Friday, 5 December 2014

Filming Schedule

Filming Schedule

Filming will commence on the 6/12/2014. I am going to be shooting the film in and around my house. I am going to minimise the amount of locations I use as to add to the claustrophobic, closed off nature I am trying to put across. Update - Today is the 7th and I have not filmed yet although I am about to shortly. I have missed my scheduled filming date however this is not a problem as I have a few days until the deadline. 

Actors Needed:

The actors I need is as follows: Me as the central character. I have chosen to have me as the main character because I am working solo and therefore have no one else who can do it. Also I want full control of what the final version will be like so if I do it myself I have 100% control. My Mum is going to play the owner of the house and also the villian, although they are not supposed to be the same person. I have chosen my mum as the owner of the house because she has a trust worthy face so seeing her won't immediately put doubt into the audiences mind about whether something strange is going on. 

Stills From My Storyboard

Storyboarding my ideas has proved very useful. I now have a very clear idea of which shots come first and how they are going to look. Storyboarding is essential to planning a movie and it has helped me tremendously to gain an insight into what the final version may potentially look like. 

Equipment Needed:

I am opting to not use a camera that my college can provide as I am more comfortable using my brothers camera as I have expereience with it before and I can easily work the interface. This should therefore save me time of learning the learning curve of a new camera I have not used before. I am also borrowing my brothers camera stabiliser to make the shots more steady and professional. 

  • Camera. 
  • Tri-Pod. 
  • Sources of light (i.e. lamps etc). 
  • Costumes. 
  • Camera stabiliser. 

Weather Requirements:

 Ideally I need the weather to be dry but slightly damp. The area in which I live is in close proximity of a canal and therefore the mornings can be very foggy. If on the morning of the 6th of December it is foggy then I will sieze the oppurtunity to film some outdoor shots I will need to create atmosphere and a sense of dread. Although the majority of my opening will not be set outdoors.

Second Backup Plan:

If on the day I plan to film the weather is torrential rain or someother weather type that prevents me from filming then I will still have 3 days to film until the deadline. That will be plently of time to swap my schedule. I have also made sure I will be available during the 6th to the 10th because I could be tied down by other responsibilities but I have swapped things around and I am free to reschedule if needs must.

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